Frans Vanistendael (1942 – 2021)

Frans Vanistendael at the Institute’s advisory board meeting

The Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance mourns the loss of a good friend. Frans Vanistendael, Professor Emeritus at the University of Leuven (Belgium), one of the outstanding representatives of international and European tax law, passed away on 27 October 2021.

With his enthusiasm but also his methodological rigor, he inspired generations of young tax law scholars around the world. As a founding member and President of EATLP (European Association of Tax Law Professors) and as the Academic Director of IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation), he shaped important tax law institutions. And as a member of a generation that has followed the development of the European Union from its very beginning, he never tired of raising awareness of the value of a united Europe for peace and prosperity.

Frans Vanistendael was a member of the Institute’s Advisory Board from 2003–2012, most recently as its vice chairman. It is also thanks to his good advice and tireless help that our Institute was able to quickly establish itself on the international stage of tax sciences.

November 2021