Wolfgang Schön as a guest at the "Berliner Gespräch zum Finanzplatz Frankfurt“

Wolfgang Schön as a guest at the "Berliner Gespräch zum Finanzplatz Frankfurt“  

On 10 May, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Schön gave the keynote speech at the Hessische Landesvertretung in Berlin on the topic of "Corporate Taxation in the European and International Context – quo vadis?“.

© Stiftung Marktwirtschaft

The Hessische Landesvertretung in Berlin hosts two to three events a year as part of the series "Berliner Gespräch zum Finanzplatz Frankfurt". This time, the hosts, Minister of State Lucia Puttrich, Hessian Minister for Federal and European Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Michael Eilfort from the Stiftung Marktwirtschaft (as cooperation partner of this series), have invited Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Schön as an expert on the topic of corporate taxation.

The keynote speech "Corporate taxation in the European and international context – quo vadis?" by Wolfgang Schön was followed by a lively discussion with around 30 representatives of the Bundestag, banking and business associations, universities and the state and federal administration. The main topic was how multinational companies exploit the corporate tax laws of individual countries to avoid paying taxes.

Wolfgang Schön appreciated the efforts of the OECD to formulate uniform worldwide tax rules for multinational corporations. But he criticised the tax legislation of the European Union, which on one hand took the fight against "abuses" too far and on the other hand restricted the flexibility of tax policy too much with its almost non-existent Changeability of European directives.

June 2023