Honorary doctorate for Kai A. Konrad

Honorary doctorate for Kai A. Konrad

Our Institute Director Prof. Dr. Kai A. Konrad receives an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Basel.

The Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Basel has awarded an honorary doctorate in economics (Dr. h.c.) to Kai A. Konrad. The ceremony took place on November 24, 2023, the Dies academicus (public holiday of the University of Basel).               

Kai A. Konrad receives this award in recognition of his fundamental theoretical contributions to the economic analysis of strategies in tournaments with applications in industrial economics as well as in political economy, for his great commitment as an economic policy advisor on topics such as public debt in Europe or the federal organization of Germany, and for his service to the scientific community as founder and editor of important journals in the field of economic policy.


Awarding of the doctorates h.c. at the Dies academicus in Basel's St. Martin's Church: Prof. Kai A. Konrad with Prof. Alois Stutzer (l.), Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki (r.). © University of Basel, Christian Flierl

About the University of Basel
The University of Basel is the oldest university in Switzerland. As a research-intensive university, it offers attractive educational programs and conducts outstanding research at a high international level. It is home to more than 13,000 students from over one hundred nations.




November 2023