Tagung | 29.07.2024 - 01.08.2024 | Ganztägig | Harnack House, Ihnestraße 16-20, 14195 Berlin

Max Planck Summer School on the Political Economy of Conflict and Redistribution 2024

The Political Economy of Conflict and Redistribution (PolEcCon) Summer School 2023 is aimed at young researchers in the early stage of their careers as PhD students and Postdocs, notably in the fields of Economics and Political Science. The School provides research-oriented lectures by senior experts in the field of the Political Economy of Conflict and Redistribution.

Methodologically it will cover theory and experiments in the field and in the laboratory. In addition to these lectures, participants will have the opportunity to present and discuss their own research and their research papers to the whole group. There will also be a panel discussion by the Summer School lecturers. Opportunities will also be available for work and discussion in informal groups that might lead to collaborative research efforts among the participants.

The working language of the Summer School is English.

Scientific Organizers:

Kai A. Konrad, MPI for Tax Law and Public Finance and CEPR

is a Director at the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance in Munich and a Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society. He is member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and of several other science academies. He was Co-editor of the Journal of Public Economics (2007–2018). He is a member of the Council of Scientific Advisors to the Federal Ministry of Finance (since 1999) and was the chairperson from 2011–2014. He published more than 120 papers in international journals, including Management Science, the Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Theoretical Biology and the American Economic Review.


Dan Kovenock, Chapman University, USA

has served as a Professor of Economics in the Economic Science Institute at Chapman University since 2013. Prior to that he held Professorships at the University of Iowa and Purdue University, where he as Economics Policy Chairman from 1997 to 2001. He has previously served as an Editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization and on the editorial boards of the European Economic Review and the Strategic Management Journal. He is currently a Co-editor of Economic Theory and the Economic Theory Bulletin, and serves on the editorial boards of Games and Economic Behavior, the Journal of Public Economic Theory, and Social Choice and Welfare. He has more than 70 papers in international publications, including outlets such as the American Economic Review, the Review of Economic Studies, Management Science, Naval Research Logistics, Games and Economic Behavior, and Experimental Economics.

Visit Dan Kovenock on

Dominic Rohner, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne and CEPR

Visit Dominic Rohner on google mysite


Local organizer: Sandra Sundt-Johannesen, MPI for Tax Law and Public Finance

Location: The PolEcCon Summer School 2024 will take place at the historical Harnack House of the Max Planck Society in Berlin, Germany.  

Dates: The Summer School runs from July 29 – August 1, 2024. Participants are expected to stay for the full duration of the meeting.  

Funding and Fees: The 2024 event is generously supported by the Max Planck Institute forTax Law and Public Finance. There is no participation fee for the Summer School. However, participants have to cover their own cost of travel and accommodation. Room capacity is reserved at the event location, but independent booking is also feasible. More information
will be provided to the participants who are admitted.

Questions: If you have questions regarding admissions or any other academic matters, please contact with “PolEcCon2024” in the subject line. If you have questions about lodging, travel arrangement or other logistic matters, please contact with “PolEcCon2023” in the subject line.


Photo: Sue Ream,
Photo: Sue Ream,

Sandra Sundt-Johannesen

Max-Planck-Institut für Steuerrecht und Öffentliche Finanzen

Telefon: +49-89-24246-5251
Fax: +49-89-24246-5299
