Conference on Tax Discrimination

Max Planck Law Fellow Ruth Mason, Professor at the University of Virginia, and Michael Knoll, Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, convened a high-level group of experts to discuss the concept and the most relevant cases of tax discrimination under U.S. constitutional law and under EU law.


Speakers included Axel Cordewener, Sjoerd Douma, Werner Haslehner, Georg Kofler, Pasquale Pistone, Alexander Rust, Jérôme Monsenego, Edoardo Traversa and Alan Viard. The hosting institutions Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance and Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy were represented by the respective directors (Wolfgang Schön, Ulrich Becker) and senior and junior scholars including Andrés Báez Moreno, Aitor Navarro and Johanna Stark.

April 2024