Contests & Conflict | 01/19/2022 | 16:00
The Limits of Meritocracy

Speaker: Felix Várdy

Felix Várdy will present his paper titled "The Limits of Meritocracy" (joint work with John Morgan, and Justin Tumlinson).

Presentation | 12/16/2021 | 18:00 - 19:00 | ONLINE !
Foreign Aid through Domestic Tax Cuts? Evidence from Multinational Firm Presence in Developing Countries

Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Rebecca Lester

Contests & Conflict | 12/15/2021 | 18:00
The Election Effect: Democracy in Inter-Group Contests

Speaker: Stephen Chaudoin

Stephen Chaudoin will present his paper titled "The Election Effect: Democracy in Inter-Group Contests" (joint work with Yon Soo Park, and Sarah Hummel).

Contests & Conflict | 12/01/2021 | 16:00
The Geography of Resources, Conflict, and Territory in Hominids

Speaker: Jordan Adamson

Jordan Adamson will present his paper titled "The Geography of Resources, Conflict, and Territory in Hominids" (joint work with Bart J. Wilson).

Presentation | 11/22/2021 | 18:15 - 19:45 | ONLINE !
Reform der Außenprüfung

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Roman Seer

Contests & Conflict | 11/17/2021 | 16:00
Competing for Grades

Speaker: Philipp Strack

Philipp Strack will present his paper titled "Competing for Grades" (joint work with Dawei Fang, and Thomas Noe).

Contests & Conflict | 11/03/2021 | 18:00
On the effectiveness of democratic institutions in preventing ethnic conflict: Evidence from a lab-in-the-field experiment

Speaker: Hannes Rusch

Hannes Rusch will present his paper titled "On the effectiveness of democratic institutions in preventing ethnic conflict: Evidence from a lab-in-the-field experiment" (joint work with Luke Glowacki and Florian Morath).

Contests & Conflict | 10/20/2021 | 17:00
Contests with Network Externalities: Theory & Evidence

Speaker: Luke Boosey

Luke Boosey will present his paper titled "Contests with Network Externalities: Theory & Evidence" (joint work with Christopher Brown).

Contests & Conflict | 10/06/2021 | 12:00
Scarcity of Ideas and Optimal Prizes in Innovation Contests

Speaker: Jun Xiao

Jun Xiao will present his paper titled "Scarcity of Ideas and Optimal Prizes in Innovation Contests" (joint work with Nisvan Erkal).

Contests & Conflict | 09/22/2021 | 18:00
Peacebuilding and political trust: a survey experiment on political trust in Haiti

Speaker: Han Dorussen

Han Dorussen will present his paper titled "Peacebuilding and political trust: a survey experiment on political trust in Haiti" (joint work with Zorzeta Bakaki).