Contests & Conflict | 02/16/2022 | 18:00

The Psychology of Limited Nuclear War: Experimental evidence on public emotions after an escalate to de-escalate strike

Speaker: Marina Henke

Marina Henke will present her paper titled "The Psychology of Limited Nuclear War: Experimental evidence on public emotions after an escalate to de-escalate strike".

Lecture | 02/15/2022 - 02/28/2022 | 14:00 - 18:00

International Public Economics

Speaker: Kai A Konrad and Yixuan Shi

Contests & Conflict | 02/02/2022 | 15:00

Collective information acquisition

Speaker: Kfir Eliaz

Kfir Eliaz will present his paper titled "Collective information acquisition" (joint work with Ran Eilat).

Presentation | 01/26/2022 | 18:15 - 19:45 | ONLINE !

Was bleibt noch vom Dualismus der Einkunftsarten?

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Rainer Wernsmann

Presentation | 01/20/2022 | 18:00 - 19:00 | ONLINE !

The Shielding Effect of EU Secondary Law

Speaker: Univ-Prof. DDr. Georg Kofler, LL.M. (NYU)

Contests & Conflict | 01/19/2022 | 16:00

The Limits of Meritocracy

Speaker: Felix Várdy

Felix Várdy will present his paper titled "The Limits of Meritocracy" (joint work with John Morgan, and Justin Tumlinson).

Presentation | 12/16/2021 | 18:00 - 19:00 | ONLINE !

Foreign Aid through Domestic Tax Cuts? Evidence from Multinational Firm Presence in Developing Countries

Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Rebecca Lester

Contests & Conflict | 12/15/2021 | 18:00

The Election Effect: Democracy in Inter-Group Contests

Speaker: Stephen Chaudoin

Stephen Chaudoin will present his paper titled "The Election Effect: Democracy in Inter-Group Contests" (joint work with Yon Soo Park, and Sarah Hummel).

Contests & Conflict | 12/01/2021 | 16:00

The Geography of Resources, Conflict, and Territory in Hominids

Speaker: Jordan Adamson

Jordan Adamson will present his paper titled "The Geography of Resources, Conflict, and Territory in Hominids" (joint work with Bart J. Wilson).

Presentation | 11/22/2021 | 18:15 - 19:45 | ONLINE !

Reform der Außenprüfung

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Roman Seer